Cold events presents different challenges. This link provides helpful tips to prepare and react to dangers of a winter storm.
Frost Advisories - These are issued when widespread frost may occur. Frost advisories are not issued after the first freeze event of the winter until spring bloom begins. Although warm-season plants may die with the first frost, there are no frost warnings because frost damage is generally cosmetic to cold season crops.
Freeze Warnings - These are issued for areas with significant commercial agriculture whenever the first freeze of the winter is expected. The first freeze is defined as "when minimum shelter temperature is forecast to be 32 degrees or less during the locally defined growing season."
Flood Warning - a Flood Warning is issued when flooding is happening or will happen soon. Move to higher ground.
Flood Watch - a Flood Watch is issued when there is a potential for a flood. Prepare to evacuate and follow news for more information.
Prolonged exposure to freezing temperatures can cause frostbite to exposed skin, typically fingers, toes, ear lobes, or the tip of the nose. Increased winds, causing a wind chill effect, can further lower body temperatures at a faster rate. Hypothermia is another cold-related issue when the core body temperature drops below 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Medical attention is needed immediately for this condition.
Cold weather can also be dangerous to small animals that are not acclimated to cold weather (typically indoor pets). Hypothermia and dehydration are the two most probable life-threatening conditions for animals in cold weather. In general, animals tend to drink less in cold weather risking dehydration, or their typical watering sources can be frozen. Wet conditions and wind chill can add significantly to the cold-stress for animals as well. Particular attention should be paid to very young and old animals, as they may be less able to tolerate temperature extremes and have weaker immune systems.
A warming center is a short-term emergency shelter that operates when temperatures or a combination of precipitation, winds, and temperature become dangerously inclement. Their paramount purpose is the prevention of death and injury from exposure to the elements.
Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a poisonous, colorless, odorless and tasteless gas. Although it has no detectable odor, CO is often mixed with other gases that do have an odor. You can inhale carbon monoxide right along with gases that you can smell and not even know that CO is present. Carbon monoxide is harmful when breathed because it displaces oxygen in the blood and deprives the heart, brain and other vital organs of oxygen. Large amounts of CO can overcome you in minutes without warning — causing you to lose consciousness and suffocate. Household appliances, such as gas fires, boilers, central heating systems, water heaters, cookers, and open fires that use gas, oil, coal and wood may be possible sources of CO gas. It happens when the fuel does not burn fully.
What can you do if you suspect that someone has been poisoned with CO?
When you suspect CO poisoning, promptly taking the following actions can save lives:
Safety Tips
Extreme weather can lead to heightened healthcare risks, damage to infrastructure and personal property. Extreme weather includes extreme heat, cold, precipitation and wind events. The following links are helpful in gathering current information and resources available during an extreme weather event.
The following link provides weather alerts by location and provides forecasts with possible weather related events. Locations can be searched by city or zip code to get detailed forecasts. Other weather related events such as air quality can be viewed at
Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Young children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles under any circumstances.
Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When possible reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear lightweight and loose fitting clothing when possible.
Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency! Call 9 1 1.
Stay Cool – Find Your Local Cooling Center in San Joaquin County
Cooling locations are free, indoor air-conditioned locations where you can keep cool when there are extreme heat weather conditions. Call 211 for the San Joaquin County Cooling Locations nearest you.
Extreme heat is defined as a long period of high heat combined with humidity and temperatures above 90 degrees. In extreme heat, evaporation is slowed and the human body must work extra hard to maintain a normal temperature. Remember that:
The seasons are changing and the temperatures are going up. It's that time of year to once again start considering the effects of warmer temperatures and take appropriate precautions to protect your health and safety.
Each year approximately 20 people die from heat-related emergencies. In 2006 a severe heatwave resulted in 655 deaths and over 16,000 excess emergency room visits throughout the state.
Quick Tip: Organizations that Should Take Extra Precautions during Extreme Heat
Schools, day camps and non-school related sports organizations or athletes should take extra precaution when there is extreme heat. Sports practice and other outdoor activities should be scheduled early or very late in the day in order to limit the amount of time spent in the sun and heat.
Prepare for extreme heat by doing the following:
Never leave a pet alone in a vehicle, even with the windows cracked or open. Pets should not be left in a garage, since garages can get very hot due to lack of ventilation and insulation. Click here to download pet safety tips.
To better understand how to beat the heat and stay cool in extreme weather, please take a look at the information that the CDC has for those especially vulnerable to heat exhaustion and stroke.
Find answers to questions about the power grid and the role the California ISO performs as the impartial link between power plants and the utilities that provide electricity to 30 million Californians.